National Congress Biology Students 2024
NCBS (To be continued)
The NCBS is an annual Biology conference organised by LOBS. Here, all biology students get the chance to compete for the best BSc. or MSc. thesis. A jury of professors will select the best theses to be presented on stage in front of an audience in Burgers’ Zoo. Several other students will present their work through a poster. In both cases a nice addition to your CV! In addition, the student with the best thesis will receive ‘The Darwin Award’ and a publication in Bionieuws!
So, did you write your Bachelor or Master thesis and would you like to present it in a real conference organised for and by fellow biology students then enroll by sending your thesis to:! Deadline for thesis submission is the 6th of April.
If you don’t want to participate but do want to combine a nice day at the zoo with a interesting conference and a full dinner, make sure to buy a ticket via the website! The ticketsale will start on the 22nd of March!!
More information concerning the program and ticket sale will follow later. For any questions send an e-mail to
Follow us on Instragram: @lobs_biologiestudenten.

You can buy your tickets via this link:
If you participate in the thesis competition and are selected to present on stage you’ll get your ticket for free!! With a ticket you get:
- Free access to Burger’s Zoo during the whole day (from 10am)
- A free parking spot
- Admission to the Congress, with inspiring presentations by Biology students and selected guest lecturers
- Delicious dinner
Buy your early-bird ticket with a 5 euro discount now! The supply is limited. If you are a NIBI-member, you get an additional 5 euro discount!* – *When buying a NIBI-ticket without NIBI-membership, a fee may be charged.
Are you not a NIBI member yet? Don’t worry! Go to and register yourself using the action code NCBS2024. This way you can still get your NIBI discount for this years conference!
Sending in your thesis:
Deadline for sending your thesis: 6t of April. Please send it to
Out of all the submitted theses, a selection will be made of the best Bachelor and Master students. If you are selected, you may present your thesis (10-15 min) on the podium of the conference room in Burgers’ Zoo, in front of a large audience consisting of fellow-students, researchers, teachers and other biology enthusiasts.
At the end of the evening, a jury will determine the winner. The jury consists of renowned biologists from the board of directors, business life, and the academic world. If you were not selected for the podium, you can still present your work on a poster! In both cases a nice addition to your CV. The audience will vote for the best poster and, of course, the winner receives a prize.
The student with the best thesis will receive ‘The Darwin’ price and a publication in Bionieuws! In the edition after the conference, there will be a page available for describing your thesis, your plans for the future, or for an interview (all is negotiable). Your publication in Bionieuws will be read by the lots of biologists who are affiliated with the Dutch Institute for Biology (NIBI)!
Sessions by:
Each year two keynote speakers are invited to talk about their research during the congress. This year we will dive into the topics of Bioacoustics with Jeroen Hubert and urethral disease with Petra de Graaf.
Jeroen Hubert is a postdoctoral researcher and teacher at Wageningen University. He studies the effects of anthropogenic sounds on marine life. He worked on a project called APELAFICO, where they studied the effect of offshore wind farms on pelagic fish communities and harbor porpoises. He just started on the Hybridlabs project, where they study the biodiversity effects of floating structures in offshore wind farms. During his talk he will talk about topics related to his research and show us what he does. He also teaches during various courses related to behavior and ecology.
Petra de Graaf is an assistant professor at the University Medical Center in Utrecht. The ultimate goal of her research is creating tissue that surgeons can use in urethral reconstructive surgery. For this, she studies the native urethra and uses an approach called tissue engineering. During her talk she will talk about her career, the importance of her work and the importance of a transdisciplinary approach in her work.

This year’s congress will be hosted by none other than Werner de Gier. He works at Naturalis and specializes in crabs, but he also loves teaching and introducing a broad audience to the world of invertebrates. Earlier this year he got his PhD on the topic of the symbiotic relationship between crabs and shrimps in tropical areas. With his enthusiastic attitude he inspires everyone around him.

Time |
Activity |
Location |
10:00 15:00 15:15 15:30 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:20 17:40 18:00 18:20 19:45 20:15 20:45 |
Visit the Zoo Walk in Intro Daychairman: Werner de Gier Keynote speaker 1: Petra de Graaf BSc presentation 1: Sanne Post BSc presentation 2: Karolis Gritenas Tea & coffee break MSc presentation 1: Sam van Veldhuijzen MSc presentation 2: Kay Watty MSc presentation 3: Emma Pigmans Dinner + Jury consult Keynote speaker 2: Jeroen Hubert Awards ceremony Closing |
Zoo Foyer Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium Foyer Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium Foyer Auditorium Auditorium |
From left to right: Nico van Stralen, Anne de Rond & Tycho Malmberg